BioEnergetic Practitioner Services
How can BioEnergetic Assessment help you?
Take the confusion out about what is blocking your optimal wellbeing!
Dis-ease is a result of blocks in the flow system of the body - this can be the result of a combination of toxic load, nutritional deficiencies, disempowering subconscious beliefs, and mental, spiritual and emotional stressors from the past or present.
Using BioEnergetic Assessment, we eavesdrop in on the communication system of your body to determine what is blocking your body’s natural flow system. Removing these blocks can allows your body to detoxify on a mental, emotional, spiritual and physical level so that healing can happen.
To help you achieve your goals, we:
- Resonance test to find the priorities for you to meet your intentions for the session as well as your long-term goals. This may include various types of emotional release work (Emotion Code and ECPR), subconsious belief work (PSYCH-K®), changing your perception of stressful situations (PSYCH-K®), MFT testing and solutions, eavesdroping in on the organs and systems or your body, testing for supplements, and/or at home action plans.
- Resonance test the current supplements you are taking.
- Resonance test for toxic loads to determine the detoxification solutions resonating with you.
An initial Bioenergetic Assessment is scheduled for 90 minutes and costs $180.00. We offer a free 15 minute consultation if you desire before booking a session.
** We offer discounts if blocks of time are purchased in full in advance. A 5 hour block is $110.00 per hour ($550 total) and a 10 hour block is $100.00 per hour ($1000 total).