About Us

EJ Wellness Solutions is here to empower people to heal naturally!

We believe that the body is infinitely intelligent and that all symptoms appear for a reason. When the body is stressed for any reason - mentally, emotionally or physically - symptoms can appear. By helping you deal with the different stressors in play, we see miraculous things happen and symptoms subside naturally.

If you are interested in learning more, feel free to book a Free 15 Minute Phone Consultation using our booking engine.

Elizabeth (Liz) Fuchs, HHP, PSYCH-K® Facilitator, ECPR Practitioner

Liz Fuchs PhotoHi. My name is Liz Fuchs. I live in Royse City, Texas with my husband John. I was born and raised in the Hudson Valley of New York and moved to Texas for my first job out of college as an aerospace engineer. I worked as an engineer for about 8 1/2 years - learning how to think outside the box to solve problems and find practical solutions. I met my husband at work and quit when our daughter was a year old to stay home with her. My kids (Alexandra and John) are now 30 and 28 years old.

I began my natural healing journey when my daughter developed allergies as a young child. I started researching ways of healing naturally – though at that time, and for many years afterward - only from the perspective of diet and supplementation. In 2014, after losing my brother and dad unexpectedly, my life dramatically shifted gears. In 2016, the chiropractor I was seeing at the time encouraged me to pursue my Holistic Health Practitioner certification since he had always provoked me to dig deeper and see the world as it is – not as others want us to see it. Since then I have been diving deep into what it really means to be healthy and alive. I have trained and practice as a BioEnergetic Practitioner and Wellness Consultant, a PSYCH-K® Facilitator, a MFT (Morphogenic Field Technique) Practitioner and an ECPR (Emotional Center Point Release) Practitioner. I am also newly certified as a Human Design Analyst. All of these things have helped me to grow on my journey to find myself and what makes me who I am as I uncover layers of conditioning and past trauma that I had no idea that I had. I have realized that healing is a spiritual journey that happens from the inside out.

As I walk along my own healing journey, I work with others to help them heal and find their way back to themselves.

Here are some of my specialties:
  • I help people who have suffered trauma transform their perception of their trauma so that they can live a life of peace and move forward with their lives.
  • I help people realize and change their perception of past trauma involved in allergic reactions allowing them to heal from these issues naturally.
  • I help people suffering from anxiety change subconscious beliefs and perceptions of past events that are involved - helping them to overcome their symptoms.
  • I empower people to heal naturally in mind, body and spirit.
  • I help people to understand and transform the mental and emotional reasons behind their symptoms, empowering them to heal naturally.
  • I help people tune back into their own natural decision making process that comes from within.
  • I support people as they heal while they find their way back to themselves.

It is my hope to be able to help people to heal naturally in all aspects of their life and to empower them to understand the power they have in making that happen.


John Fuchs, PSYCH-K® Facilitator

John Fuchs PhotoI’m John Fuchs, an engineer and software developer with 25+ years of diverse problem solving experience. From wind tunnel testing … to image processing … to online travel … to financial reporting … to building things in my garage.

I enjoy meeting and working with people to solve challenges; here's a few PSYCH-K® areas where I specialize :
  • I guide executives to transform work stress so they can sleep peacefully through the night.
  • I empower engineers to unleash their creativity to unlock complex problems.
  • I enable athletes to transform injury into a healthy and healing mindset.

Are you ready to experience change? I'm here to work with you!



If you are interested in learning more about what we do, we offer a free 15 minute phone consultation prior to setting up your first appointment. Click here to book your free consultation now!


EJ Wellness Solutions PSYCH-K, ECPR, Bioenergetic Assessment Dallas Texas

Located in Royse City, TX
(Dallas/Ft. Worth area)

Book an Appointment now!

Elizabeth Fuchs, HHP on DaoCloud  |  FaceBook


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Information provided by EJ Wellness Solutions or on this website is neither to be a substitute for professional medical advise and is not intended to replace the services of a physician nor does it constitute a doctor-patient relationship. You should not use information from this website or from the links on this website to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease without consulting a qualified healthcare provider. If you have or suspect you have an urgent medical problem, promply contact a professional healthcare provider. EJ Wellness Solutions advises you to always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified healthcare provider prior to starting any new treatment or with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

Elizabeth Fuchs, HHP on DaoCloud  |  FaceBook

© 2025 EJ Wellness Solutions